I do not watch television often, very little even ...
But I confess, I watch the show of the evening Nagui "Remember the words" at 7:00 p.m. on France 2 ... So often I sing to kill head on my exercise bike or rowing to tour the lake on my rowing machine! lol
The girls also look and find a lot of songs of the 90, 80 and even older, I am often surprised to find the words to songs they know by heart ...
Sometimes it is often known classics through medley Enfoirés they listen to CD ... Sometimes it's not really classic ...
"Boy, if it does take away the cedilla boy .... He says me but fuck j'te roof, said bin J'lui not just the malaise that's it .... this lack of action! You asked ... fellatio "resume-they both in heart (not even understand what they sing), under the gaze of their afflicted parents literally speechless ... ...
And then the other a candidate night tackled a classic Freddie Mercury!
As once said Philippe Manoeuvre in an old episode of New Star, he seems
... The guy just killed a second time Freddie !
(Wei I know television culture is somewhat limited, lol But it made me laugh so much with this expression it remained! )
The girls themselves were he sang very well and this gentleman did not understand our horror ...
it is followed by a lesson in musical culture somewhat unusual that deflected ...
all under the amused gaze of Christopher who has absolutely found nothing and left me extricate myself with my yes and my no ... In giggling regularly ... But without action! Sympa
darling thank you!
- Yes was a famous singer, certainly one of the best in the world, a legend today ...
- Not unlike Michael Jackson, finally also famous but not the same kind.
- No he did not sing alone
- Yes in a band called Queen
- Yes Queen as Queen English
- Not Y'avait no woman in the group ....
- Yes they might have had to call King King Queen rather than as the queen ... Certainly ...
- Not I have no CD but we'll go see some videos on Youtube
- Yes I think you need to know some of their songs .. .
- Not this song is not called as Evian in the pub but "We will rock you"
- Yes There's also that we sing when we win a football game (We Are The Champions) ...
You see that you know some ...

- Not Christophe Maé concert would not be in this outfit ...
- Yes it's a shame! lol
- No I do not know anyone like him ...
- Yes it's special only carry a small white Tight denim shorts and nothing else but it was also Freddie Mercury ...
- Not it is no longer of this world ...
- Yes necessarily he died ... (In 1991 I was blown Wikipedia) ... AIDS seems to me there ...
- Not AIDS is not really about tonight ...
- Not I dodge it!
- Yes is a serious disease
- Not we do not know the cure ...
- Yes one dies ... Since it is not necessarily the cure ...
- No one is not forced to catch ...
- Yes we can avoid it ...
- No you're not concerned yet!
- Yes I am willing to tell you how ... / Rhhoooooooooo but why tonight ????/ by using condoms.
- Not not Lamilia Tops! Finally, if! Condoms, but when talking about condoms is said ...
- Yes I know that Sidaction they say it takes "to put the hoods! But they also say condoms!
- Uh ... Not there's no connection with "fags" Lola ...
- Yes I know that in college they say ... but Not .
- Yes it's complicated! And Yes we'll talk .... Later!
Pfiouuu!! Does anyone can tell me why the children they systematically choose the evening of the month, nay of the year (even if the end of January it is the same) which I most a headache to ask so many questions??
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