molluscum naturally
Nahel few months ago released a few small buttons on the body ... As small blisters or small button of skin ...
One, then two, then three ... then a score, divided by string of 4 or 5 on the torso, arms and thighs ...
After diagnosis posed by the general practitioner and confirmed by the dermatologist he was Molluscum Contagiosum ...
I'll put the link HERE a small plug health very well done, which explains in details ...
To summarize these are buttons associated with the contraction of a virus ...
is quite common among children and as its name suggests, quite contagious among them ...
Once in dermatology, she explained that the main treatment method was the curette ... Basically they slice! Hiirrkkkkkk!
- But for small children, use an anesthetic cream before ...
- Uh ... It will thank you! It will remind you ... (Wé the same "you remember" that during a job interview messed up! lol)
So we have noted the name on a piece of paper and did some research on the net to find a way to rid our son these pustules before they cover her body and her face worse as we explained to the doctor! Have
therefore tested several natural methods ... So assuming it was a virus, we first attempted to boost his immune system with a cure of EPP to help fight against the evil microbe buttons ... In vain ... We also tested the EPP externally directly on buttons 2 times a day ... also in vain ... Their
number continues to grow day by day ... Their size also ...
Then, after learning he was a cousin of the virus in the wart, we tested the Verrulia (and here too) ...
Nahel was delighted to take his medication delicious every morning and evening ...
And surprise three weeks later, they ceased to multiply ...
At the end of treatment, they began to disappear ...
Two weeks after the end of the box ... Still no new ... Larger buttons become visible but still very red (indicating end of life) and the smallest almost disappeared, become invisible to those who did not know where to look ...
Fingers crossed, but so far it seems to me that we got rid of, if relapse was pointing the tip of his nose, I would not fail to open a new box ... But it seems that the file is classified Molluscum ... without curette!! And for only 5 euros! Lol
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Wath Happend With The Kelly Famlie 2010
Stand by for three days ...
More news on the blog since Thursday ...
Blame "more time" ...
Blame "no fishing" ...
Blame "have already struggling to get up then go up the computer .... pfiouuuuuu!
I promise I "reviende" After tomorrow ... tomorrow ...
later time to retrieve a suitable voltage ... Lack another 3 points / degrees / numbers. .. (I do not know how to say ... I have to get my usual form 12.7 of ... And I'm 9.)
Objective: Tonight, the trace of my buttocks on the sofa and my book of finished lol
nice Sunday and see you soon!
Blame "more time" ...
Blame "no fishing" ...
Blame "have already struggling to get up then go up the computer .... pfiouuuuuu!
I promise I "reviende" After tomorrow ... tomorrow ...
later time to retrieve a suitable voltage ... Lack another 3 points / degrees / numbers. .. (I do not know how to say ... I have to get my usual form 12.7 of ... And I'm 9.)
Objective: Tonight, the trace of my buttocks on the sofa and my book of finished lol
nice Sunday and see you soon!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Blaze Dtv Numero De Serie
Harpagophytum in danger ...
blog regulars are familiar with the grapple ... This plant has become indispensable in our pharmacy
... I was talking about in general HERE ... It is also the plant that has allowed our old dog's still alive then he should not spend the year ... 2008 (catch THE )! And which treats ear infections of other dogs THE ... So the
harpago, are well known and we use every day ...
So when I got in my last monthly What health on these few lines, I got scared!
"If you are looking for a plant with analgesic properties joints, you'll be tempted to take a few capsules of the famous" devil's claw ".
No side effects or on the mucosa stomach or on any other place in the body, this plant has experienced in thirty years with increasing success.
Is it because it arises in the face of competing anti-inflammatory allopathic (chemical anything lol) she is on the list of plants likely to prohibit the sale in France? "I
can not believe it!
Pharmaceutical companies are they doing pressure to eliminate this plant from the sale while it heals without side effects and that anyway it is absolutely not repaid?
His mere presence on the market it represents too big a loss to these industries get richer our bad health?
How much better to sell us an anti-inflammatory allopathic, then we sell the protective gastric goes with it!
But that deal with this??
blog regulars are familiar with the grapple ... This plant has become indispensable in our pharmacy
... I was talking about in general HERE ... It is also the plant that has allowed our old dog's still alive then he should not spend the year ... 2008 (catch THE )! And which treats ear infections of other dogs THE ... So the
harpago, are well known and we use every day ...
So when I got in my last monthly What health on these few lines, I got scared!
"If you are looking for a plant with analgesic properties joints, you'll be tempted to take a few capsules of the famous" devil's claw ".
No side effects or on the mucosa stomach or on any other place in the body, this plant has experienced in thirty years with increasing success.
Is it because it arises in the face of competing anti-inflammatory allopathic (chemical anything lol) she is on the list of plants likely to prohibit the sale in France? "I
can not believe it!
Pharmaceutical companies are they doing pressure to eliminate this plant from the sale while it heals without side effects and that anyway it is absolutely not repaid?
His mere presence on the market it represents too big a loss to these industries get richer our bad health?
How much better to sell us an anti-inflammatory allopathic, then we sell the protective gastric goes with it!
But that deal with this??
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How Long Does It Take To Het Std Results
A little rant ... Hey! It's been a long time! Last Milka
Yesterday my hubby went to the doctor for minor problems pulmonary ...
asthmatic since childhood is a regular in the Ventolin and other bronchodilator ... or anti-inflammatory lung ...
It was a long time that we are not returned to the doctor for such products as taking natural remedies have sharply reduced his asthma ... I intend to tell you in several months, and even over a year!
Only a few weeks, his lungs are still inflamed after the sessions running race at too low temperatures ... And this time he can not get over it ...
So it is "reviendu" with an order of a bronchodilator and an inhaled corticosteroid-...
As usual, it is I who am going to the pharmacy ... I present my card to be sure vital support to 100% as before, because these are the two essential core of an asthmatic ...
So imagine my quad the pharmacist calls me over 25 euro ... In explaining that these drugs are no longer reimbursed at 65% by social security!
- But uh .... This is not a drug of convenience??
- Not
Madame - Well put me equivalent to 100% then reimbursed.
- There are more honorable.
- Wait .... You're telling me that the treatments for asthma are not 100% reimbursed by the safety but only 65% for all products??
- Yes ma'am, it's also why prices have recovered ...
- Wait ... I'm still afraid to understand ... Indeed that is what it seemed ... The steroid was costing well thirty euros y 'a little over a year and is well past 45?? Ditto for the bronchodilator which took 30% I think! All because they are no longer supported at 100% ...
- This is not me saying it is you ...
- But .... How do people who can not afford to have a mutual and so far do not fall within the limits of the CMU (like us and certainly millions of people)??
question remained unanswered of course ...
Back at home, Christopher also disgusted than I did a little research (thanks for the info Doctissimo) and here are the explanations:
• Reimbursement to 35% (blue sticker) by the general scheme of Social Security for medicines for diseases normally without gravity and with the SMR (Service Médical Rendu) has been recognized as either major or as important . This is mostly symptomatic treatment or treatment tonics.
• Reimbursement to 65% (white label) is granted to drugs that SMR has been considered important or significant and which are indispensable as, for example, antibiotics.
• The refund of 100% (white sticker crossed out) for drugs considered irreplaceable and particularly expensive, as well as thirty serious or long-term conditions such as cancer or diabetes.
So this confirms what we feared, today, no more drug is reimbursed 100% for those not suffering from a condition known long-term ... and you imagine that 34 years of asthma, it is not yet sufficient to belong to this class!
I am simply disgusted! It forces us to adhere to this system with automatic deductions from wages and provided it reimburses less!
How many people today no longer afford to treat??
If they do not heal and they end up sick, or those with asthma that they should be hospitalized, it will cost a lot more money in claims work or hospital to repay a bottle of Ventolin no?? And I'm not talking about possible contagion ... And calculation of costs that could have been avoided by treating just one person!
I'm just disgusted!
Since 2007 the living conditions of French are in freefall! Still
history of the frog that we live immersed in a pan of boiling water ... She comes out with a bound, whereas if you put it in cold water and you turn the fire quietly, it will eventually die! And bin
the French are millions of frogs! If we had assumed in 2007 and plunged into the pan in 2011, the pan in which the gas would have taken 30% gasoline I do not even speak, a saucepan in which almost nothing is repaid, retirement without a pot ... with ever increasing tax levies, etc. .... All the French have fled screaming!! But then everyone on the farm! We are completely stunned almost every day with new taxes, fees, costs, price increases but wage freeze ....
Our government is going straight into the wall and save on the essentials! Such as health, education ... Reappears disease disappeared ... Nord Pas de Calais and the Paris region are experiencing a resurgence of tuberculosis, scabies and other diseases thought to be missing ... These diseases related to poor hygiene and poverty ...
The 30 euro I spent yesterday for my health, I do not invest in physical assets ... would not turn the corner restaurant or other businesses .... But certainly, the major shareholders will receive more money from pharmaceutical labs that the local restaurant!
The Arab world rises ... Revolutions are linked ... And here, everyone continues to be silent ... Until he will fall to finally revolt??
Our ancestors were taken to the streets in May '68 for less than that! Now everyone so scared that nobody moves ... Fear of losing his job if we strike, afraid of being homeless, fear of not being able to feed his family ... The French are scared ... Where is the
Fieret to be French I felt younger? Fieret to belong to the land of freedom, the country's health system allowed the poor to receive care?? The health care system that the United States are envious and Obama is trying to establish our government on the pretext of destroying the economy! The same government that can unlock I do not know where billions of euros from overnight to rescue banks and leave its people without medical care under the guise of saving !!!!!!! Today I
rabies ... Rabies to attend this free fall of the country and find that person not moving! So what? I'm the only one to realize that??
Yesterday my hubby went to the doctor for minor problems pulmonary ...
asthmatic since childhood is a regular in the Ventolin and other bronchodilator ... or anti-inflammatory lung ...
It was a long time that we are not returned to the doctor for such products as taking natural remedies have sharply reduced his asthma ... I intend to tell you in several months, and even over a year!
Only a few weeks, his lungs are still inflamed after the sessions running race at too low temperatures ... And this time he can not get over it ...
So it is "reviendu" with an order of a bronchodilator and an inhaled corticosteroid-...
As usual, it is I who am going to the pharmacy ... I present my card to be sure vital support to 100% as before, because these are the two essential core of an asthmatic ...
So imagine my quad the pharmacist calls me over 25 euro ... In explaining that these drugs are no longer reimbursed at 65% by social security!
- But uh .... This is not a drug of convenience??
- Not
Madame - Well put me equivalent to 100% then reimbursed.
- There are more honorable.
- Wait .... You're telling me that the treatments for asthma are not 100% reimbursed by the safety but only 65% for all products??
- Yes ma'am, it's also why prices have recovered ...
- Wait ... I'm still afraid to understand ... Indeed that is what it seemed ... The steroid was costing well thirty euros y 'a little over a year and is well past 45?? Ditto for the bronchodilator which took 30% I think! All because they are no longer supported at 100% ...
- This is not me saying it is you ...
- But .... How do people who can not afford to have a mutual and so far do not fall within the limits of the CMU (like us and certainly millions of people)??
question remained unanswered of course ...
Back at home, Christopher also disgusted than I did a little research (thanks for the info Doctissimo) and here are the explanations:
• Reimbursement to 35% (blue sticker) by the general scheme of Social Security for medicines for diseases normally without gravity and with the SMR (Service Médical Rendu) has been recognized as either major or as important . This is mostly symptomatic treatment or treatment tonics.
• Reimbursement to 65% (white label) is granted to drugs that SMR has been considered important or significant and which are indispensable as, for example, antibiotics.
• The refund of 100% (white sticker crossed out) for drugs considered irreplaceable and particularly expensive, as well as thirty serious or long-term conditions such as cancer or diabetes.
So this confirms what we feared, today, no more drug is reimbursed 100% for those not suffering from a condition known long-term ... and you imagine that 34 years of asthma, it is not yet sufficient to belong to this class!
I am simply disgusted! It forces us to adhere to this system with automatic deductions from wages and provided it reimburses less!
How many people today no longer afford to treat??
If they do not heal and they end up sick, or those with asthma that they should be hospitalized, it will cost a lot more money in claims work or hospital to repay a bottle of Ventolin no?? And I'm not talking about possible contagion ... And calculation of costs that could have been avoided by treating just one person!
I'm just disgusted!
Since 2007 the living conditions of French are in freefall! Still
history of the frog that we live immersed in a pan of boiling water ... She comes out with a bound, whereas if you put it in cold water and you turn the fire quietly, it will eventually die! And bin
the French are millions of frogs! If we had assumed in 2007 and plunged into the pan in 2011, the pan in which the gas would have taken 30% gasoline I do not even speak, a saucepan in which almost nothing is repaid, retirement without a pot ... with ever increasing tax levies, etc. .... All the French have fled screaming!! But then everyone on the farm! We are completely stunned almost every day with new taxes, fees, costs, price increases but wage freeze ....
Our government is going straight into the wall and save on the essentials! Such as health, education ... Reappears disease disappeared ... Nord Pas de Calais and the Paris region are experiencing a resurgence of tuberculosis, scabies and other diseases thought to be missing ... These diseases related to poor hygiene and poverty ...
The 30 euro I spent yesterday for my health, I do not invest in physical assets ... would not turn the corner restaurant or other businesses .... But certainly, the major shareholders will receive more money from pharmaceutical labs that the local restaurant!
The Arab world rises ... Revolutions are linked ... And here, everyone continues to be silent ... Until he will fall to finally revolt??
Our ancestors were taken to the streets in May '68 for less than that! Now everyone so scared that nobody moves ... Fear of losing his job if we strike, afraid of being homeless, fear of not being able to feed his family ... The French are scared ... Where is the
Fieret to be French I felt younger? Fieret to belong to the land of freedom, the country's health system allowed the poor to receive care?? The health care system that the United States are envious and Obama is trying to establish our government on the pretext of destroying the economy! The same government that can unlock I do not know where billions of euros from overnight to rescue banks and leave its people without medical care under the guise of saving !!!!!!! Today I
rabies ... Rabies to attend this free fall of the country and find that person not moving! So what? I'm the only one to realize that??
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Realistic Fake Muscles
pub ...
Today I wanted to share an ad I like a lot right now and that was unanimous at the cottage ...
I find very attractive ...
This is the latest ad Milka which tells the story of the purple cow ...
It starts a lot about her on the net, provided I have found that the manufacturer's website ...
Here is the link for those who do not know or those who love and want her back!
Today I wanted to share an ad I like a lot right now and that was unanimous at the cottage ...
I find very attractive ...
This is the latest ad Milka which tells the story of the purple cow ...
It starts a lot about her on the net, provided I have found that the manufacturer's website ...
Here is the link for those who do not know or those who love and want her back!
So? So? What do you think?
Monday, February 21, 2011
Covermark Concealer For Vitiligo
How To Measure The String Tension Of My Racquet
the crop Online Unforgettable
Here are my pages for my challenges of Crop Online last week about the Unforgettable Scrapbooking on the theme of a 5 to 7! I want to congratulate all participants for their creations superberbes and a big congratulations to my partners overflowing with talent and imagination!
Challenge Downtown:
Drink Challenge from 5 to 7:
Here are my pages for my challenges of Crop Online last week about the Unforgettable Scrapbooking on the theme of a 5 to 7! I want to congratulate all participants for their creations superberbes and a big congratulations to my partners overflowing with talent and imagination!
Challenge Downtown:

Drink Challenge from 5 to 7:

Difference Between G Lens And Carl Zeiss Lens
slippers for flat feet ... but not only!
few months ago, Stephanie has left his first comments on the blog ... Sewing up, she came to give me the address of his blog on which she published her designs of slippers for small and large ...
Since that time I followed his creations, seduced by her craft but still believes that such products were not affordable for our budget of a large family ...
Then, the doctor diagnosed Nahel flat feet and advised him to walk on foot with socks or slippers very fine kind of leather ballerina ...
So I contacted him by mail and explained the concerns of my little man and his attachment to his pair of slippers "Flash McQueen" hence the importance of having a custom template to dethrone the invincible! lol
It is at this moment Nahel is in its "dragon time" ... Stephanie has sent us a selection of little dragons she could embroider and after selecting Nahel and choice of leather colors and seams here is what is born of imagination and hands ...
Obviously Nahel looove the leaves and do more! It is very very proud of his new "Red Dragon Slippers" and poor turnovers Flash McQueen are suddenly relegated to oblivion! lol When they arrived at home, girls were green with envy ... So Stephanie will put back my whole family!
Lola has already mapped out its future pair Lamilia is currently ... And even seriously think about Christopher!
We all choose a size for children over so they last longer, just to make the pleasure last ...
You'll understand that we are all fan and the whole tribe highly recommend a ride on his blog : Shoes' Poupon!.
Feel free to encourage as it is currently prospecting to determine if there is a real market to make a hole! And with such a talent, no doubt it will arrive very quickly, missing that little push to start ... so I'm counting on you!
Feel free to encourage as it is currently prospecting to determine if there is a real market to make a hole! And with such a talent, no doubt it will arrive very quickly, missing that little push to start ... so I'm counting on you!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
How Strong Is Ciprelex
Here we are in the presidential quotes ...
"It is better to be irresponsible
and truth
responsibly and that the error"
Winston Churchill
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Cheer An Dance Noisemakers
dint of perseverance .... Day
So since then, whenever the birds sing, my husband stopped working and listening with a smug grin ... and said "Do you hear?? .... He sings what he sings well it looks like a little nightingale ..."
Only problem, "the bird" sings a lot "and the partition of the girls' room was no longer progressing very fast!
M'enfin lol ... He wanted .... it's finished by having his bird that sings! So now if you want to please him, tell him of his little bird .... lol
Those who follow the blog for several months know that canaries and us, that's two!
For those who want a bit of catching up, the story begins HERE , and accurate THE ...
But my man is not half an ass! When he has something in mind, it did not elsewhere! Some months have passed since the latest misadventures ... And he returned to the charge ...
- Go if you like a final! I would buy one last jar, but this time I will stay long in the store to make sure he sings well and would not leave with one that I heard several times!
- Grrrrrrrrr .... My heart, it took three P ----- canaries in this house and no one has sung more than 3 days! Not one! We are more than 50 euro "budget canary" and nothing!!
So what?? Do not you have had enough??
- Please ... I promise this is the last, I'll sign a paper saying that if I would have chosen never heard him sing and not sing at home, I will never ask you canary is never promised .... More
tempted by the prospect of ending once and for all with those pesky sparrows by the idea of actually having one, I finally gave ...
So we went to Belgium because, well, sir, wanted a very special case spotted at a bird expo ...
arrived at the pet store, I left it in locating and arrived half an hour later ...
He had made his choice ...
It then shows me the "bird" who actually pushed the song in the store ... Not scared to two sub agitated by the world around him ...
Curious he does not really look like a canary ... Finally like the canary that everyone a. ..
So then I lean on the cage to see what kind it is when I see the price ...
My heart is a CA-NA-RI! A bird! But you're not realize the price??
- Yes, but for him, he sings!!
- Well I mean yes he sings! At that price I hope he sings! It would be a shame not!!
- Yes, but it is the last ....
- But uh ... y '250 birds in this shop and you did not you find another single sparrow sings for less?? Wait ... Gonna worry me find a bird! ... the! watch this one ... 20 euros and it ... No it does not sing! And this one? He is cute one?? Do not you think??
short, I'll spare you the rest of the conversation ...
/ A re-reading the article, Christopher said that he never saw me like this in a store ... he said that suddenly I'm taking interest in canaries royally ignored hitherto, I still crouched over in search of the most beautiful bird, the cheapest that would agree to sing! ! I passed from cage to cage nervously trying some tests ... never processed ... Like "And it looks, it is not nice, plus it is all white, all white is nice, it will be fine in the living room and it costs more" That 20 euros "" (Who knew that I would write it a day? lol) ... My poor husband was so appalled amused! lol /
The course, as you can imagine ... We're back with THE piaf that costs more than all others combined ... And a lot of anxiety still regards to whether he would sing with us ....
The answer?
The here ....
(S'cusez for sound quality, the descent of Y'avait Giant Garnish Partenkirshen on TV at the same time!)
Only problem, "the bird" sings a lot "and the partition of the girls' room was no longer progressing very fast!
M'enfin lol ... He wanted .... it's finished by having his bird that sings! So now if you want to please him, tell him of his little bird .... lol
Friday, February 18, 2011
Slogan For Golf Tournament
between girls ... First
brief change of scenery was all, more than I hoped!
lunch, we granted a well deserved break in a very nice little restaurant a few blocks from the cathedral ...
We're regaled with a delicious meal as hearty as that imposed a digestive nap on a bench beside the water ...
She was scheduled for several weeks now ... Had
be due postponed once before but it was a step back to jump further!
Our day between daughter thus took place without incident this month and left me the opportunity to discover Amiens had hitherto totally unknown ...
After a short night walk, bus at dawn, early morning subway and train in rush hour, I finally arrive on time for opening offices in Amiens-city , we can not have begun more relaxed day with my 2 hours of continuous playback with "mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! lol
Mild weather in recent weeks making trip even more enjoyable and more beautiful photos ... I returned with nearly 200 photos, then all that follow are from a hard choice because they can not publish them all! lol
We spent the day wandering through the streets while chatting, like all good friends who share this vision of things "as futile than helpful" as I often summarized! The
while strolling from street to street, along the different arms of the Somme, to explore the various districts of the town, without purpose or destination states ...
I have often wondered if Venice had not inspired Amiens! lol
I was seduced by all the old cobbled streets of the old city and the multitude of Amiennoises color facades and I felt a trip to hundreds of miles from home ...
brief change of scenery was all, more than I hoped!
lunch, we granted a well deserved break in a very nice little restaurant a few blocks from the cathedral ...
We're regaled with a delicious meal as hearty as that imposed a digestive nap on a bench beside the water ...
This day was also an opportunity to meet unforeseen ...
With some of my readers that I knew only by their comments left on the blog ... (Is not Jackie? Lol), but also with "the friends of my friends (who are always my friends lol) that they were themselves as readers ... (Is not Aurelius? Lol)
I took the train to 17 hours to finish my history book! lol And I suffered from pains all weekend to have both market and no longer have the habit ! Urge the resumption of antiques! lol
This day has completely fulfilled the goals I had set ... Namely, a change of scenery, a breath of fresh air and fresh air and the great satisfaction of having finally managed to take time for myself and my family! Yesss! Mission accomplished!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
When Does Cervix Open Before Period
Leather Goods ... Small
I confided a few weeks ago that I began to tickle a little leather and threw myself into his work ... So my first creation ... Now in the hands of "step-dad" since I crafted this case for his birthday so he can put away Mont Blanc pen that we had for Christmas ...
I confided a few weeks ago that I began to tickle a little leather and threw myself into his work ... So my first creation ... Now in the hands of "step-dad" since I crafted this case for his birthday so he can put away Mont Blanc pen that we had for Christmas ...
(Before the offer, I immortalized my very first creation of leather the pen of my husband who served as my reference ...)
After hours and hours of work (yes I know it does not show on the photo lol But do Keep in mind that I know hardly sew a button onto fabric then sew several thicknesses of leather straight and steady was a challenge for me!)
So what we can do with a little patience ...
My second book was intended for me with a sleeve designed to receive several pencils and a little rule when I go to work ...
I had this model in mind for a long time but have never found in the leather I was seeking, nor pen format (usually this type of holster is designed for brush or artistic) .. .
So, we are never better served than by yourself! And that's it!
So? So? What do you think?? Not bad for a start huh??
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Best Heartgold English Rom
development ...
That was three times that Christopher Nahel called to join him in the bathroom to put in pajamas ... In vain ...
out of patience Christopher goes to meet her in the living room to fetch him and launches ...
- Ooh la la Nahel small, you should not play with fire like that, Dad is tired tonight and did not have much patience!
Nahel And to answer with a sigh:
- papaaaaaa But .... I do not play with fire, fire is hot, I play with the DS Lamilia!
Indeed ... Nothing to add!
That was three times that Christopher Nahel called to join him in the bathroom to put in pajamas ... In vain ...
out of patience Christopher goes to meet her in the living room to fetch him and launches ...
- Ooh la la Nahel small, you should not play with fire like that, Dad is tired tonight and did not have much patience!
Nahel And to answer with a sigh:
- papaaaaaa But .... I do not play with fire, fire is hot, I play with the DS Lamilia!
Indeed ... Nothing to add!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Kendell Mint Cake Calories
My dove of love ... Savoy
Whenever we go on vacation in the mountains before I m'extasie these wooden birds born sculptors Savoy ...
One day a craftsman explained that these birds were often carved by shepherds in the pastures ... (Ca occupied them while they were guarding their sheep) These doves carved into the Opinel pine branches carefully chosen from the mountain supported their declarations of love and propose marriage to their beloved Once back down in the valley ... Already
I found these birds of beautiful wood, so their history and their symbolism have only reinforced my affection their door ...
My husband always anxious to make me happy, I then proposed to purchase one of these sculptures ...
Proposal which I refused on the field, explaining that the most beautiful beauty of this bird was under the shepherd's patience to learn woodworking and for carving, so if he wanted to give me a dove, he would not buy it but the carving itself! Because the purchase is easy ... There's better as a declaration of love ! And after all, he enjoys woodworking and was full of opinel our drawers! lol
Then he began looking at our last holiday spruce branch in which I sculpt his bird ... Branch unearthed in I do not know how many meters (such as shepherds) for wood density!
So we returned from the mountain with pieces of wood in our cooler that have finished in our freezer from our last vacation ... (So you do not dry them too quickly!)
And for Valentine's Day, what a surprise to discover my first "love dove"!
So she has not the grace of those suspended in the windows of antique Savoyards, but it has much more value to me than n 'What other volatile matter "come from there"!
course he almost lost some fingers in the making during my absences ... But the result is here!
And then ... Now he understood the thing, you will be able to carve me a flock of doves, each more beautiful than the other!
Go print some sparrows suspended wood throughout the house! lol
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dune Buggy Two Primary
Muffins with chocolate chips! Quote
Ideal for a small taste of winter with a cup of hot chocolate ...
The recipe for 12 muffins:
• 3 eggs separated, yolks one side, whites on the other to mount snow
• 80 grams of sugar, beating until the yolks with money
• 90 grams of flour mixture to incorporate the "yellow + sugar" just before you add whites
• 6 small squares of baking chocolate to crumble and fold into the batter to end ...
Me, I always butter small silicone molds for them to démoulent better ....
I put in the oven for 25 minutes at 150 °
Allow them to cool for half an hour before serving ...
And voila! Bon appétit!!
Why "muffin Savoie?
Well, because I used the sponge cake recipe that I cooked in small individual molds ...
And here's the result ...
Ideal for a small taste of winter with a cup of hot chocolate ...
The recipe for 12 muffins:
• 3 eggs separated, yolks one side, whites on the other to mount snow
• 80 grams of sugar, beating until the yolks with money
• 90 grams of flour mixture to incorporate the "yellow + sugar" just before you add whites
• 6 small squares of baking chocolate to crumble and fold into the batter to end ...
Me, I always butter small silicone molds for them to démoulent better ....
I put in the oven for 25 minutes at 150 °
Allow them to cool for half an hour before serving ...
And voila! Bon appétit!!
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