Monday, January 19, 2009

Overdosing On Zopiclone

Mom Against Rot!

Little baby cries, squirms and eat when hungry hands. So very easy to know she wants me, me the dairy cow of record for the months ahead. In daylight it's going, even if I baby the greediest of the world, who eat very often!
is the night that it causes problems. Not getting up between two sleeps, no, this thing is tolerated. Baby cries. Mom gets up. She takes the baby. Breastfeeds. Baby drinks quickly, eyes wide open. As if that was the last meal of his life. Baby falls asleep while eating. It's wonderful. But not completely. Because there is a problem. The timing of rot. The mozzus of rot, compulsory what is said. As baby furiously loose breast, mom should take the baby to relieve the excess air. In daylight, it's cute. But at night, how can succeed baby to sleep is when he claps with vitality in the back and this, sometimes for 10-15 minutes ?????
therefore I object against this requirement completely anti-moms-who-want-a-little-sleep-the-night feedings between the two and say the shit, or worse, vomit in the bed!


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