I told myself as well as send you a card in the mail that arrives late (I forgot, I'm sorry !!!), I'll write you through my blog. That way everyone will know that you're the best mom in the world! (After me of course!)
It's been 25 years that you're everything to me and you do part of my life, or rather me yours. Even if I hurt during my birth, prevented from sleeping in my first weeks of life, and put a strain on your patience with my tears, my many ear infections and my toothache, you were there.
Sometimes I did not listen to your instructions, I was unkind to you and did I do to my head. But you were there anyway. You
treated my wounds, feed my hungry belly, dressed my child's body and, day after day, even if sometimes the desire to leave had to be there. Despite your weariness and your migraines, you were there for me to console my grief or bring down my fever.
Although adolescence was rather hellish, as the insults and low blows were coming from all sides, you stay there, to love me unconditional love even if I did not deserve it.
Presents to teach me life
Presents to take care of me
to wipe my tears Presents Presents
to reveal a smile on my face
Presents to advise me in all areas of my life
Thank you for that in my presence joys, but mostly in my troubles.
Thank you for your values that I think
Thanks for your help, your patience and your contagious joy
I do not say often enough, but I wanted to tell you especially today, the biggest and huge thank you for everything. Your presence in my life is a need, both in small things as in large. Even more in my role as mom. I've never said, but coming back to me in memory of the sweetest memories when I heard your reassuring voice to the receipt of the delivery room. You were looking to come see me, and also that which has become the center of my universe, as I was for you. You were there in the most important moment of my life, the birth of my little Magalie. Even if I knew you were disappointed at not being able to attend the birth, you have respected my decision and you were still there an hour later. You're the one who looked at me first before you watch the baby because your baby was giving life. It really warms the heart ... if you knew how ...
Thanks for your help in the first weeks of life Magalie. Now I understand this intense bond that unites us, and hopefully become a formidable mother than you.
Although I'm not with you on this special day, I think to you. Anyway, see you in four days!
Happy Mothers Day!
Your loving daughter
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