The Circumference of Love - Chapter 20-3
We come out, just idle. Apart from young people noisily occupy a terrace improvised. By all indications, the degree of impairment of the group has reached an advanced stage. Enough draw their bellowing incomprehensible that do not cover the sounds of broken glass and furniture battered.
time to consider a fallback, we are assailed by a man with a good thirty years. No, not forty. Dynamic class and rather pretty drunk though largely clairvoyant. After blowing me just because I am a woman, he addressed to Christopher: "The twenty-first century you know what? "Recognizing the state
alcohol advanced his interlocutor, Christophe hesitated
" Uh, no, but I feel that you'll tell me.
- Ideally, the twenty-first century is the century of the woman!
- Oh? How?
- You want me to explain what point of view? "
There is no doubt that the madman waits for the magic word is dropped. The word that he will release a flood of passionate words. This card is of course "sexually". Christopher tries to avoid the subject.
"From a sociological point of view? "Without
"Ah, you're sure you not prefer me to explain why the twenty-first century will be that of the woman, sexually? "He smiles and nods
. Not that it bothers him to talk about sexuality with a stranger - I remember having conversations shared some particularly shameless - but it seems somewhat understand the answer.
It is rather cold, and the perspective to see how married life of an elder can be as thrilling as a film Lelouche, do enchants only partially.
"Women today, they all have sex toys. And we in? What are we for? "
It is true that sex toys penetrate gradually the habits of women of the XXI century. Gift naughty, joke student, or fashion accessory, many of them has one. Generally warm in a closet, hidden between two sweaters. A few years ago, a friend gave me a vibrator. I first found for more than doubtful. With time, this "small" object has been very helpful.
However, should sound the alarm - if nothing else? Is that announced the death of the phallus as a biological organism? This question, I am sure, worried more than one. Yet it would take for a fuel pump and oil. If rabbits
vibrating balls, dildos and other geisha in the large size, are now fully integrated into the wardrobe of any modern woman, they are in fact a new form of entertainment. An alternative sexuality somehow shameful to date, it has since largely democratized.
Since time immemorial, men masturbate, so why not women? Because it bothered many of these gentlemen, they would feel utterly useless and would have no alternative but to leave the tail between legs. In a male-dominated society to the end of the limb, it will be outrageous. The nuclear bomb, the size of radioactive waste, global warming ... all the hell cares. This is no longer afraid that some activists to whom he is still a semblance of civic awareness and environmentally friendly. For cons, the advent of the vibrator, the whole world trembles!
The XXI century will be that of a woman no doubt. Of the liberated woman, its taboos, habits a bit lighter. The twenty-first century will be that of the woman alive, or will not. This century will be mine.
Colin Vettier